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De ce (nu) ne pasa?

Cum pornesti/stavilesti o gloata? Incerci cu elitele din planul II si le asmuti impotriva celor din planul I. Nu iese? Mergi la minoritati! Mai cu seama la cele ale caror cerinte vor crea cele mai multe tensiuni cu majoritatea. AICI NU-I VORBA DE DREPTATE, ci de jocul puterii, intotdeauna in mana elitei. Minoritatile chiar pot avea dreptate, cel putin pana la un punct, daca nu pana la capat.  Cert este ca si dupa ce li se face 'dreptatea' puterea ramane asa cum am vorbit, cu elita.

In SUA, s-a dat drumul la cateva minoritati dupa un deceniu de lupta si progres social.  Dupa +40 de ani de la emancipare, puterea s-a izolat si mai tare, necazurile sunt si mai multe, iar asa-zisa imputernicire a femeilor, de exemplu, a condus la cupluri in campul muncii cu venituri pe cap de familie mai mici decat atunci cand numai barbatul muncea.  Ce s-a pierdut in proces?  Familia in primul rand, dupa care linistea, care nu mai e nici macar aparenta.  Ce s-a castigat?  Sa le intrebam pe distinsele doamne.  Nu cred ca si-au pus problema, sunt prea-ocupate cu ultima dieta sau au capul plin de nebunia locului de munca, acel privilegiu care era exclusivitatea barbatului odinioara.

ONU a afirmat drepturile homosexualilor. De la 1789 tot asteptam si momentul asta. Iata si reactiile altora:

bonners ferry, ID

I sympathize, to a degree, with anyone who embraces an alternative lifestyle, whether they are born with such inclination or develop it later in life. It can involve IV drug use, various sexual habits, or anything against which a stigma exists, but the fact which seems often overlooked is that the vast majority of us don't have these problems, and, politically correct to say or not, don't actually care about them. We have a collapsing economy, in a polluted world running short on everything, wars on every continent but Australia, and these people want to focus on who has sex with whom. I'm sorry, I just don't care because it just does not matter.

Canton, Ohio

As a gay man who "came out" at sixteen in the late 1970's, [...] I know at age 47 that people are very complicated beings with many sides. I long ago left my black and white thinking behind. I don't think at this point that I really have a firm opinion one way or the other about the therapeutic methods that have been adopted by the counselors [...]. What did strike me are the dismissive comments that I've read so far. It's almost as if everyone wants to claim to be "post-gay." That being homosexual in this society isn't an issue anymore and that the article is just addressing another frivolous concern that can't stand up to the pressing state of the economy and war. This response is just the reason why homosexuality needs to stay a topic that is reported on consistently. LGBT people, according to FBI statistics are behind only one other group in the amount of hate crimes perpetrated against them. Take into account that not all jurisdictions report LGBT hate crimes and not all jurisdictions are reporting at all. The true amount may be higher. Take into consideration that many of our political leaders campaign on a platform of being anti-gay and successfully win elections in many parts of the country and I would have to say that homosexuality is not a side issue.The fact that my local PBS station aired a documentary about gays and lesbians only once and late at night, the fact that the teen suicide rate among LGBT youth is higher than the norm,the fact that a Washington DC gay couple can't go shopping at their local supermarket without being called "faggots" makes me wonder why so many people want to avoid the topic of homosexuality. After reading the article and the comments I want to ask,"can anyone say internalized homophobia?"

Jim Doyle

I've been "out" for years (I'm 64). I've never tried to hide my sexuality, but neither do I feel a need to go around talking about it. I'm not particularly interested in hearing about my co-workers sex lives, and I assume they're not particularly interested in details of mine. If they ask, I'll tell them the truth, but I don't feel a need to go around talking about it, or twittering or facebooking it. Maybe I'm just old, but some things are private. Sex, of whatever variety, is one of them. That's why we wear clothes, for Christ sake!

In momentul in care elita descopera jocul minoritatilor,  procesul de mentinere a puterii devine intrebarea, Mai aveti minoritati?! Ca elita asa se mentine la putere; doar nu-s fraieri sa mearga la munca sau sa faca ceva pentru emanciparea plebeilor.

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