Anunţ publicitar al Statului Român in ziarele mari ale lumii:

Cine a putut, ştiut şi vrut a plecat.

Avem nevoie de ajutor!
Plătim la nivelul pieţei.
Preferăm vorbitori de Româna!


poante § intelart § cafeneaua
© 2005
cel mai vechi blog peromaneste


De luat aminte

In Romania exista problema ca taranii producatori si clientii potentiali din orase nu se intalnesc in piata. Motivele sunt multe, solutiile pe masura.
Mai jos e un exemplu de agregator care intermediaza clienti si producatori, altfel separati de o distanta de 500-600Km... Acest agregator inca se chinuie sa tina conceptul in viata, in practica nu-i usor sa intermediezi. Cititi scrisoarea de mai jos pentru a va face o idee de echilibiristica agregatorului incepator:

At The Crossroads

As a valued Farmers To You partner, please take a moment to read this important letter.
I’m writing on behalf of the 83 small-scale farmers who have devoted their lives to growing healthy, delicious food that sustains your family, the local economy, and the planet.
I’m writing for the passionate Farmers To You team, people who are committed beyond description to running our operation. Imagine, we have never missed a delivery in 6 years – 134,152 orders to date. Incredible!
I am also writing on behalf of many of you, the families we feed weekly who have supported us since the beginning.
Above all, this is a heartfelt letter from me, Greg Georgaklis, a very proud and grateful founder and owner of this remarkable, revolutionary organization. I’m writing to ask for your help.
Farmers To You is at a crossroads, and we need your help to continue operations:  We need more families from your communities to order each week, larger orders from families each week, and committed investors to fund our operations until we break even and become sustainable.
Without your help we risk closing down, and we simply cannot let that happen. Too much is at stake, including livelihoods, land, and values that we know you hold dear. We are so close to having this all work beautifully.
To succeed, we need three simple things:
  • We need to increase deliveries to 850 orders each week (currently at 640).
  • We need our average order size to reach $90 (currently it’s $70).
  • And we need to raise $150,000 in investment cash to continue through the annual summer slowdown.
Certain aspects of the partnership have gone much better than expected – we have over 80 Farmer Partners ready to feed families all year long with consciously grown and lovingly prepared food. Our ability to handle more volume has been achieved with ease and efficiency by our incredible teams in Vermont and Boston. Our communications and outreach team has found the perfect blend of tempting offers and respectful support maintaining 70% retention of families year to year.
Other aspects of the partnership have not gone as planned. We continue to struggle to grow the number of weekly orders. We are currently at about 640 orders per week, and this has remained steady for the last 12 months despite much effort, many promotions, incentives, and general pleas.  
Help us reach our goal of adding 210 partner families this spring by bringing in at least one new partner family in April.
  • Find one friend, neighbor, or coworker who loves food and values a planet-friendly local food system. If we double our number of partner families, we will exceed break-even!
  • Post about FTY on social media and local listservs, and put our promotional postcard into people’s hands. Let folks know they’ll get $35 off their first order of $40 or more.
  • If you know people who have enjoyed Farmers To You in the past, urge them to come back now.
Increase your order each week by sourcing more food from Farmers To You.
  • Reallocating even 20% of your food budget to Farmers To You will make a huge difference.
  • Order one additional meal – or a “treat” such as cheese, chocolate or syrup – each week from Farmers To You. Spending $20–$30 more each week with FTY will help your family enjoy more outstanding, home-cooked meals together.
  • Skip takeout. Pack a lunch. Dine in. You’ll eat better, you’ll know where your food comes from and support FTY at the same time.
Invest in Farmers To You – become an owner.
  • We are seeking investors who are committed to impact-based investing and who value this regional, transparent food system.
  • Investments of $10,000 and above will help us reach our goal of raising $150,000 and continue this level of activity. Contact me directly for details.  
We simply cannot succeed without your help and partnership. Your faith, imagination, and commitment in changing how you source your food have already made a measurable change in the quality, quantity, and variety of the food available to you – as well as a profound difference for the farm families growing and preparing it.
Personally this has been the most extraordinary journey of my life. I consider you all co-conspirators in my dream: to recreate community through food so we all know who is feeding us and, in doing so, bring health back to our families and the Earth.

Blessings, and thank you in advance for your support,
Greg, and the entire Farmers To You team


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